"Working Out": A Misnomer

I'd ban this word from society forever if I could.  'Work'; exercise does not have to be just that. What associations naturally arise when we think about 'working out'? A foreigner might conclude that this phrase sheds light on how we tend to feel about exercise.

Let's start over. Can we just call it activity? Or movement?

Now to address a shift in connotation. Sure, everyone has a God given level of natural inclination towards enjoying movement, we can't control that. For those people who currently feel they got the short end of the stick, as long as you hold exercise as just another box to check on the daily to-do list, a lifestyle of fitness will always be a struggle. Don't get me wrong, coming out of a period of inactivity will require some "3-sets-of-10" exercises, but once we get back to functional body mechanics we are free to go many different directions from there. My personal training clients at some point will have to take full responsibility for their fitness and health, so while there is limited creativity in rehabilitation, during our time together I am concerned with what sustainable physical activity looks like for them!

exercise motivation houston

So what can we control?

1) The context of movement:

(Identify which you align with most and make it happen)

Competition - team sports or an impending competitive event

Grace - dance and yoga for example

Participation/Social - group classes and meetups, a community

Travel - biking, roller blading, jogging and exploring

Challenge/skill - rock climbing, parkour

2) Your approach or mindset

How are you using exercise? As a punishment, as a gift to yourself? Is it something you look forward to, or dread?

3) The pace

Sure, an intense workout might be more effective, but not if you find yourself skipping those type of sessions. A harder, faster, longer approach might not suit you.

Think about what type of music gives you the most energy? Heavy-metal? Or is classical music more harmonious with your drive? Maybe the music is distracting you, taking 60 seconds to choose a song every 3 minutes.

4) The environment

Is consistency of the venue or novelty more energizing for you? Outside or inside? Public or private? Alone or with acquaintances? Structure or spontaneity?


Even Tiger Woods has a coach.

Invite me to offer some assistance.

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