Account- ability in Exercise

Do you need more accountability?! Obviously you do since you aren't taking care of your body much. All the emotion from inspiring videos you watch soon fades and your teeth-grinding determination subsides. Allow me to broaden your approach.

Imagine how much 'accountability' someone needs if they are trying to do workouts every day that aren't really effective and that they don’t enjoy - probably a lot. Here are three topics to override your tendency to make the same mistakes in your newest attempt to 'get in shape'.

fitness motivation houston

One. Ya need confidence in knowing that what you're doing is working. Your time and energy invested in working out is going to yield a return; a return of benefits like energy, looking good, stress release, pain relief, higher metabolism, on and on. Do you research or hire a trainer. Take measurements instead of looking at the scale. Instead take a weekly average. Ensure you are making 1%  improvements in performance every workout.

Two. Enjoyability which is covered in a separate article.

A third would be social support. By social support, yes, I mean to say that your self-discipline has limits. Stack the deck in your favor by making your goals as public as possible. Another aspect of social support is considering how your fitness goals effect people other than you. Your fitness goals are important to both you and your relationship and influence towards your family and friends. Most of my successful clients have goals that tie into this idea.

Let's talk about your goals for free.

Drop me a line or email.

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