Nutrition Suggestions Maybe?

It’s hard to not include the topics of Nutrition and Mental/Emotional states when my clients are trying to feel better. Here’s the foundational principles I help them with. Tackle 3 at a time; don’t overwhelm yourself. For a free food journal tracker see this article.



“If you think eating well and exercising is a hassle, try dealing with being sick or injured.” MB

*Indicators of nutrition are gut tightness, skin clarity/color, sex drive, sleep quality, mental clarity, energy, and joint comfort. Pay attention to these as you make changes.*

⦁ H2O (50% body weight in oz). Carry a nice big bottle, sea salt/Himalayan pinch per. 6+ clear pee/day

⦁ Natural/organic vs processed foods. Hit the farmer's market, raw veggies are best.

⦁ No microwave (kills enzymes). Enjoy good fats/oils. Grass-fed butter, ghee, lard, tallow, coco for cooking. 'Fat=bad' was a lie. Focus on quality of the food instead of calorie amount. (scary, but trust your instincts as long as you have good food in front of you). Calorie counting is 1920's science.

⦁ Check if actually hungry or if eating emotionally (if bored/restless/anxiety). Don't multitask meals. Be present, enjoy every bite, slow down - take a half-time, chew well. No cold drinks with meals.

⦁ 6-8 hr eating window (intermittent fasting). Cardio/walking in the morning while fasted for weight loss

⦁ Track 30% body weight in oz of protein/day. Animal/plant mixture.


"Somewhere between apathy and desperation is your ability to enjoy life." - MB

⦁ Embrace the discomfort, most people go through life avoiding challenges leaving them weak and frail bodied/minded. Daily 2-min cold shower at the end - enumberable benefits

⦁ Learn how breath-work affects mental and physical state. Wim Hof or box

⦁ Catch the phrases "I have to" or "I need to". Instead use "I choose to" and "I want to".

⦁ You're good enough as is, but you could use some improvement! --Self love mirror moment: "I accept myself unconditionally right now"


"The only thing you really own in this life." - MB

*Your body is not meant for modern life (meant for hunting/gathering). The closer you can get to that lifestyle the more healthy you'll be. Accept that you must spend time engineering your day to match this and/or compensate for it.*

⦁ Prioritize sleep. Wise and unwise aids.

⦁ walk 30 minutes a day, with sunshine if possible

⦁ There is no 'perfect posture'. Good posture is one that is fluid.

⦁ Posture affects your mood. Slouch and find yourself lackadaisical and passive. Hunch your shoulders and find yourself stressed and reactive. Try a power pose for 2-min!

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