To Class or not to Class?
Frustration and time is what I hope to save you for those who are hoping that group classes will be the vehicle to your weight-loss and health goals. Don't get me wrong, any physical activity is better than none. But if your goals are more serious, then a serious commitment to a trainer might be in the cards for you. Here's what to consider in your dilemma:
Cost - group classes can range from Free to $30. Discovery Green in Downtown Houston and Levy Park in Greenway Plaza offer a few free classes you can attend (most group classes are cardio-based, so beware - this article tells you why). I recommend yoga due to a some small degree of strength training that it entails). With these you can probably get by, assuming they are fun and keep you coming back. However, if you are spending money on doctors visits, medication, and impending surgeries, an investment into one-on-one sessions seems like a good alternative.
Scalable - As you progress in strength and endurance, the workouts must increase in difficulty with you. While it's not impossible for a class to allow for this, it's more precise in a one-on-one setting.
Specificity - Your individual capabilities, posture, experience, injuries, and interests will not be highly catered to. With great specificity comes better results, more enjoyment and learning for you.
Results - As a summation of the previous few, with the right exercise choices, the right intensity, and a careful monitoring of diet and cardio, results are almost guaranteed.
Other Signs you need to upgrade - You do classes several times a week with little to no results. You find yourself skipping classes occasionally. You aren't learning anything. The instructor seems unprepared, unengaged, or unknowledgeable.
Accountability Level - group classes offer varying degrees of social ties that may encourage you to come back, but nothing can really compare to the detailed and undivided supervision of a caring personal trainer. In this case you get what you pay for.
Learning - Obviously, a fitness professional's teachings in a group setting will not always apply to you. Fitness is a lifelong venture after all, so being mentored will benefit you in learning to be self-sufficient with your individual style and needs.
Scheduling - You have more freedom in scheduling choices with a 1-on-1 trainer.