The Perfect Body
In the fitness industry, you can go far dangling the promise of a sexy, chiseled physique in front of people's faces.
They might even have it down to a science ya know and have built up a good collection of testimonials and before/after photos.
But here's what they don't tell you: a better body will never make you happy. Supermodels with low self-esteem exist y’all.
Somehow even with having that body you want, all the attention and compliments and Instagram Likes get old, and end of the day it just doesn't quite feel like actual love. Because deep down you know that you not only are a body but a soul and a personality; and that being a worthwhile person has little to do with what physical attribute you have.
So...I know it’s counter-intuitive, but until you drop the "I'm not good enough until xyz" standards, exercise is going to be a guilt-driven activity that is not fun and most importantly not sustainable.
Trust me I get it, you're afraid that you'll lose motivation if you stop criticizing yourself. Yeah it's a scary leap, but I see it every day; my most successful clients are those that are pursuing their goals the right way and that start from a place of self-acceptance exactly as they are.
They are the ones that are okay with failing, because it's not a do or die scenario to lose the weight and reach the goals ASAP. It's all the same journey to them: having results or not have results yet is the same marathon.
For them it’s not a roller coaster of emotions type of thing; it's an eventual process where they simply do the best they can and accept themselves no matter what stage they are at.
Here I could insert a dozen clips my interviews I did with regulars at Memorial Park and their #1 piece of advice for noobs which is to take it slow and enjoy the process.
This is all why a majority of my clients end their session by saying a little affirmation into a handheld mirror. Something like "I accept myself unconditionally right now". If you think this is silly, try it and see what voices chime in after you make the statement. Mirror or camera phone, in the eye, out loud. Go.