Off The Bench Fitness | In-Home Mobile Personal Trainer

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Off the What?

I love my company name and slogan! Here's why.

Company Name

1)      My last name really is ‘Bench’. What makes any fitness coach unique is the coach themselves. They ARE the product, the experience, the role model you have chosen to guide you through the formation of safe and effective exercise habits. Choose wisely.

2)      Some people feel that I’m suggesting that they remove themselves from the bench-press? I’m okay with this interpretation, because my prescribed exercise methods are more functional and liberating from gym-dependency than the typical trainer.

3)      Also you may imagine being ‘on the bench’ in a sports team. Being on the bench means not participating, not having fun, not engaged, not in control. While this may bring up bad memories, you are the only one who can move you on or off the bench in the game of life. I get to work with people during a time in their life where they are choosing to take charge and love themselves through a challenging and transformative phase.


“Lift yourself” is my chosen slogan. I have an infatuation with plays-on-words clearly. So, other than the obvious “Lift yourself off the bench” combo, the phrase implies that ultimately it is you who must lift yourself and develop self-sufficiency in the process. I tried to tie in as many of my Values (what I call Benchmarks on my main page) as I could into the phrase. Lifting gives a feeling of improvement and heightened energy. A picture of self-love is also painted if you can imagine you and yourself as two halves of you. The enlightened fearless you assisting the doubtful and hesitant you.


Credit to Christian at Armory Solutions for the professional help in the graphic design and strategy of the branding.