Exercising as a Toddler?
Everyone has a first memory in their life. I’m claiming that mine was a exercise training session. Did the pleasure of this complex movement click something on to say ‘hey start recording, this shit is next level!’? A parent asked what are you doing, son? I replied that I’m practicing running, as if that wasn’t obvious and everyone does activity this often. And off I went bounding and coordinating left and right limbs to propel myself through the world at an exhilarating pace. Boy things got unpredictable at that speed. If someone is running in a film, the action was on! The intensity implied do or die. And by God when the time came I myself would be ready.
From the front door to the back door I went. Only about 15-20 toddler strides but ya know it all made sense in my head: a whirl of sensation every time. I didn’t have the vocabulary at the time, what I think I meant is that I am enjoying running. Somehow it came out as a justification for my actions. To a toddler isn’t it obvious that he’s something for the sake of doing it. I can’t remember linking it to anything specific, I just liked enjoying the development of the art form of movement. This leads me all the way to being a professional acrobat and physical pleasure junkie. But I lost my way temporarily. I had too unlearn to appreciate what I already knew from my experience as a toddler.
Now my clients enjoy the simultaneous exhilaration and relief that movement brings. Give me a try.